Our Projects.

Eye Camps.

Eye camps are organized biannually across different rural villages in Uganda where anyone without access to vision-care can have the opportunity to have their eyes checked by an optometrist and appropriately treated. An eye camp typically lasts for three days and with improvements in equipment, 1000 patients are now able to be checked and treated per camp. On-site treatments include the provision of glasses and eye drops while treatments requiring surgery are fully arranged for and conducted at a hospital. Additional services are provided to families of patients in need at this time which include food, clothing and hearing aids.


Cataract Surgery Per Eye: $230 | Prescription Glasses: $20 | Eye Drops: $3 | Optometrist Per Day: $100 | 3-Day Camp Total: $10,000



Starting in 2011, a large home in Kampala, Uganda was donated and subsequently converted to a compound to house 60 orphan girls. The young girls are provided with their daily necessities which include food, clothing, healthcare, on-site primary & off-site secondary school education and shelter. Additional support in the form of daily food is supplied to other orphanages around the country with 360 children being fed daily.


Daily Food Per Orphan: $2 | Annual Care Per Orphan Girl: $1,000 | Higher Education: $2,500


360 Total Orphans Fed Daily

60 Orphan Girls | Aged 7-21

35 Graduated From College | Medicine, Law, Politics, Education, and Accounting


Critical locations are identified where there is no access to clean drinking water and the installation of a well would have a lasting impact on the village while reducing the spread of waterborne illnesses. Without a readily available water supply, children are forced to walk 20+ km each way to bring back fresh water for their families, often preventing them from attending school. The purchase of a deep drilling rig has greatly reduced the cost of installing a well and has enabled them to be dug in the most remote of villages.


Deep Well: $3,500 | Drilling Machine: $100,000


10 Deep Wells | 1 Drilling Machine

Food. Clothing. Shoes.

Children fighting for leftover grains stuck on the bottom of the pot

During the eye camps, we have the opportunity to make a greater impact to those most in need. While the camps are ongoing the patients’ families are provided with food, clothing and shoes.


Per Meal: $1 | Shoes: $3 | Clothes: Donated


3000 Children Fed | 2,000 Pairs of Shoes | 22,000 lbs. of Clothes